European and Global Investments Limited (EGI) is an independent fund management company established by investment professionals to provide tailored solutions to asset managers and investors. Compliant with UCITS V and AIFMD requirements and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, EGI stands at the cutting edge of product development including fund structures and investment policies across traditional and alternative fund types (relative return funds, absolute return funds, funds-of-funds and feeder funds) as well as assisting with product distribution across a number of jurisdictions.
The company was founded in Ireland in 2000. The current structure of the company resulted from a management buyout in 2004. It is currently owned by Management.
EGI provides a turnkey service for those who wish to open an investment fund and provides, in full compliance with EU regulations, the necessary expertise for managing and distributing funds in a number of jurisdictions across Europe. EGI has a skilled management team and a board of directors with extensive experience in the funds industry.
EGI provides a wide range of services:
Legal services and compliance
Support in the preparation and filing with regulatory authorities of all the legal documents such as the prospectus, delegate agreements, contracts and financial statements (including accounting disclosures relating to risk).
As a management company EGI works with a number of Portfolio Managers who in some cases are supported by specialist advisors.
Risk Management
Daily VaR calculation as well as calculation of other risk indicators, checking of the compliance with the Prospectus and with the regulatory limits.
Management support services
EGI negotiates and signs on behalf of its portfolio managers, prime brokerage and ISDA agreements with a wide range of prime brokers and brokers.
Transmission of fund prices to the most used financial information channels.
Organization of annual meetings with institutional investors.
Preparation of informational material for customers (website, factsheet and PRIIP KIDs).
Agreements with a wide range of Correspondent Banks. Agreements with institutional and retail distribution platforms.
Coordination of portfolio managers, fund administrators, custodians, trustees and regulatory authorities.